Portland Street suffers at the hands of our current government. Cuts to public services, the police and care and support services are felt immediately on the street. We are interested in bringing our local story to a national audience.
The Potteries Thinkbelt

This local story is part of a universal narrative, one that local residents are slowly overturning by coming together through creative activity (largely, working with clay) and community organising. Through doing this project we are increasingly aware of the power of social art, it’s the ability to bring people together and create a space for action, education and hope.
The Potteries Thinkbelt is all of these, a utopian ideal for some, but a Bauhaus or Black Mountain College for its creator, Cedric Price
We will temporarily create a Potteries Thinkbelt for The Potting Shed, using the example of The Portland Inn Project as doing exactly what Price had proposed in 1966. We will temporarily turn The Potting Shed into an active space of learning, socialising and debate.
We invite you – thinkers, makers and practitioners to share stories, skills and support in what will feel like a space of camaraderie and solidarity.